17 August 2009

Long time, No see.

I have seriously neglected this blog for a long time now and it is time to start it up again. I have been constantly searching for inspiration, designers who are producing similar things to what i myself would like to produce and designers who use similar materials, techniques and processes to what i use and admire.

I will be updating with:

My Dissertation topic and the feedback i got for it.

Links of Inspiration. (mostly paper based or print/typography based)

Links of people who use paper and create things that i love.

Links of design and illustration i find inspiring.

My summer blogging over at my mrYen blog, the etsy shop for that blogs creations and what I've been doing over there.

And finally ...

Updates on briefs i will be doing and why (such as illustration briefs that will develop my drawing skills more and my Leeds guide for work experience that i chose to do to get more skills in layout and typography)

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